Friday, January 29, 2010

Der verrückte Hutmacher sagt "Schön, Sie kennen zu lernen!"

Hello, loyal reader(s?) of SUWA! It is I, the Hatter who is Mad. Harester informs me that, instead of simply being the brains and beauty behind this whole operation, I must also contribute by occasionally writing things. And because I always do what my BFFers tell me, I am hereby announcing my professional debut as a Master of Criticism and Snarkitude.

As I have no job, naturally I have little time to write - my days are fully occupied with eating, sleeping, and watching copious amounts of TV. However, I have made my commitment to SUWA, and more importantly to the March Hare, and I am ready to spread my butter pats of wisdom all over the pocket watch of your fresh un-Hattered brains. (Butter-side down, anyone? Just kidding. Butter-side down makes no sense - keep those brains the right way up!)
You can probably tell by now, but I am equal parts Serious Susie and Kooky Kandace (which would totally be my stripper name, b.t.dubs), which when mixed create the jumble of fantabulousness that is the Mad Hatter. Look out, blogosphere! If your sphere is as blogged when Madame Hare and I are done with you, we shall commit seppuku in shame.
(Postscript: the title of this post means "the Mad Hatter says 'It's nice to meet you'" in German. German makes me laugh, and I am considering having a regular "hilarious German word" segment on SUWA. Forewarned is four-armed.)
(Post-postscript: a Google image search for "four arms" also yielded horrifying pictures of a child who was apparently born with four arms and four legs. I barely avoided ripping my eyes out of my head a la Oedipus, but seriously, it was about 87.6 times more disturbing than the Tree Man.)


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