Wednesday, April 28, 2010


And...we're back! Did you miss us, dear reader(s)? Of course you did. We missed you too, but we had to take a little vacation due to work and other things, which normally I would go into but blah blah I'm going to skip all that  right now because at this very moment I have some incredelicious news to share with you:
Holy Moses, I'm still so excited and it was a whole fourteen hours ago. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but this may be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. Don't judge; I'm just being honest. As has been well-documented, I have been desperately awaiting the day when I can march up to Trivia Dave, swagger in step, and claim what has been rightfully ours for lo these many months. We go to trivia literally every week. We practically keep that bar in business. WE DESERVE OUR $50 AND OUR PRIDE.
At this time I would like to take a moment to thank all those who made this victory possible:
-Our crack team of trivianauts: the Mad Hatter, Sparks, Wheelhouse a.k.a. Trivia Team Captain [EDIT: a.k.a. Iridium], New Guys 1 & 2, Round 2, Showoff, Fuzzy, and MCAT. Hey, it's not my fault they all have hippie parents.
-Kevin the Bartender, for getting rid of all that crap on his iPod and providing us with possibly the easiest music round ever.
-Trivia Dave, for  inventing trivia. 
I would also like to apologize to Peter Frampton for calling him alternately, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. Sorry, sorry all around.


Sparks said...


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