Friday, February 5, 2010

Coke Comma See My Show

I had a longer post planned, but then some computers exploded and my boss took everybody out to lunch and...what was I saying? Exactly. Also it's basically the weekend and I'm getting ready to jetset off to a little minibreak of snowsports with the Mad Hatter while the universe apparently dumps all the snow in the world on the east coast. Or something like that. I think that's what they said on the news, I wasn't really paying attention. So it's just going to be a quick trot down memory lane today before I jog off to put on my parka and goggles.

The other day Hattie was telling me about some video where they put the misheard lyrics of foreign-language songs in subtitles, and it reminded me of when we used to work in the computer room in high school (read: play snood and feed our Neopets) and someone would come in being like, 'guys, have you seen this video?? It's HILLARIOUS!' Basically exactly the same as the present, except back then videos were less, shall we say, sophisticated, and more, um, crappy.

In particular I was trying to come up with the name of this video that used some absolutely ridunkulous clip art to illustrate the English transliteration of a Japanese song, but not being able to remember a) the name of the video, b) the title of the song, or c) any of the words, it made it kind of hard to track the thing down.

Well today is your lucky day reader(s), because I found it!

Happy snowstorm everybody!


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