Friday, February 19, 2010

More Clowns!!!

Just a quick update this morning. There may or may not be another post in the works later on, but I just had to keep you all in the loop. So as you know, clowns are the best. Also, the Olympics pretty much rock my socks. When you combine the two, it's so fantastic it's almost unbearable. Of course, after the euphoria I experienced when the German pair clown-suited up, I figured there was nowhere for the rest of the Games to go for me but down. WRONG!!
Last night, the former-Brazilian-orphan-then-adopted-by-a-French-family men's figure skater Florent Amodio decided to up the ante: not only did he dress as a clown (complete with tears painted on his face), he also skated to music from Amelie. Hold the phone, A FRENCH CLOWN with French music? Be still, my beating heart! I am like 80% in love with this guy already. Now, apparently he was supposed to be a marionette, but come on now, you're not fooling anyone. Unconvinced? You be the judge.
Thank you Florent! Thank you.


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