Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Loony Bun Is Fine Benny Lava!

As Harester mentioned, I was indeed talking about a hilarious video from the Land of YouTube with crazy "subtitles." The production/editing quality is in no way close to that of Coke Comma See My Show, since instead of being a homemade video based on a ridiculous song, this is an actual Bollywood music video with subtitles put in by, let's face it, probably a seventh grader whose YouTube username is inexplicably "buffalax."

This name brings to (my admittedly rather uncreative) mind buffaloes on laxatives (isn't that a weird picture, bee-tee-double-yew? Reminds me of this guy.). Even if that isn't what this dude/lady had in mind, seriously? He/she seriously couldn't come up with one pun on his/her name? (As yet another side note, all this he/she stuff reminds me of when a friend in college tried to convince to me use "zie," a gender-neutral pronoun, to replace "he" and "she." I'm all for women's rights and stuff, but I think it's OK to admit that men and women are sometimes *GASP* different. This thing, for example, is just CUH-RAZY.)

OK, enough with the chit-chat and random asides, here it is. The video you've heard so much (or so little, really) about. I present to you: "Crazy Indian Video" by "buffalax."


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