Thursday, March 18, 2010

Apologies. Apologies All Round.

Hello, dearest readers! (I no longer include the parentheses around the "s" in readers because I know for a fact there are at least 2 of you) It's been a while since last we met! How are you? I apologize for my longish hiatus - I've been incredibly busy these days. I actually have to work 6-8 hours a week now, and believe you me, that ends up taking up a crapload of time. I mean, I have to get out of my jammy jams and get dressed up in my fancy-pantsy worky works. Then I have to travel to people's houses, sometimes all the way across town (I know, my life is so hard). AND to top it all off, I have to travel back! Sometimes the parents feed me, but not always, which is just ridiculous. I mean, how hard is it to bake some cookies while I'm enlightening your children? Answer: As I learned yesterday, not hard at all. Seriously moms, show some basic human decency and just feed me Seymour!

Beyond work, my time is taken up by A) watching TV B) reading my newest Henry VIII historical novel C) going to gym and trying to turn myself into one of those skinny gym bitches I hate C) getting tickled until my abs are sore (this is literally true) and D) thinking about taking naps and being too lazy to actually follow through. The March Hare recently called me the housewife of our Dynamic Duo, and I couldn't disagree - I wake up late, walk around in my bathrobe, do my laundry in the middle of the day, and contemplate buying a bunny as a pet. (That last part is actually totally the Hare's fault - she showed me this site, and since then I haven't been able to get the cuteness out of my head.)
(Side note: That last one is  little move that I actually used to do as a baby/kid. Somehow my parents got me to lean my head over with my arms out whenever they said "Do 'cute,' baby Hattie!" Either they were skilled baby-trainers or I was just an infant-sized attention-whore. Most likely the latter; the only difference is I've learned that before you do anything on command you should always make sure there's some sort of reward in it for you beyond coos of adoration and extended photo ops. Just another life lesson from me to you; hope you're writing these down.)
So, you were probably hoping for something more interesting than me bragging about my ridiculous life. PSYCH! You just got a Frank Reynolds-style Christmas fake-out. You can't just get everything you want without earning it, children. Anyway, I've got some good stuff in the works but I don't want to prematurely blow my wad so you'll just have to waiiiiiiiiiitttt. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.


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