Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nature or Nurture? The Sleaze Dillema

Hello my precious blueberries! How are we all feeling today? Grood. I appreciate your patience with my hormonal spazzfest yesterday; normally I keep it pretty under control but a girl's gotta let loose sometime and 2AM movie night just put me over the edge. I'll try to keep it in my pants in the future.
But hashing out yesterday's important issues reminded me of another important discussion that Hattie and I had recently, one on which I totally need your advice! You see Hattie and I had a disagreement over a fundamental scientific question, and I need you, dear reader(s) to tell us who is right. Thank you in advance.
Before I get to the meat of this debate, I have to share something with you on behalf of MH&MH Industries and I hope you won't judge us too harshly and love us in spite of it:
Hattie and I just saw The Hangover this past weekend.
I know, I KNOW. I've been hearing about it from everybody and their mother--literally, my mom was like 'you have to see this movie!' Okay, mom--but I don't get out to the movies a lot and it just kind of slipped by me, and the same with Hattie. When it got to be March 2010 and we still hadn't seen it (and we were sick of not understanding why everyone was calling each other 'ritards' and then peeing their collective pants) we decided to be a little more proactive and add it to the Netflix queue. Well we got it this past weekend and sat down and pounded that thing straight out. I don't intend to get into review territory--I reserve that for movies that I find either extremely confounding or extremely arousing., or both--I will say that while it was pretty funny I did not ever worry about soiling myself for not being able to stop laughing. Too much hype.
More importantly, it brought up a question that I feel needs to be resolved: is Bradley Cooper innately sleazy? Now anyone who has ever seen Mr. Cooper act in a movie will probably agree with us here that he is one greasy ball of cautionary tale. It's like he exists to point out to women exactly what to avoid; his career is just one elaborate, ongoing PSA for the ladies. Wedding Crashers, He's Just Not That Into You, the list goes on and it is slimy.
But all this got to wondering, was he born a douchebag or did he have douchebaggery thrust upon him? I mean, maybe he's just been unlucky in the casting department and in real life he adopts blind one-legged orphaned puppies from Africa; I don't know the guy personally, I couldn't say. It's certainly true that he's not the worst-looking man on the planet, by any means. I'd be lying right now if I said my "interest" isn't the tweensiest bit piqued by the prospect of this matchup. The problem is that I can't look at him without thinking, you sir, are a jerk, which is for the record not one of my turn-ons, for those of you keeping score at home. Snarky? Yes. Sleazy? No.
Hattie takes the position that the slime comes from within and in no universe could he ever be what one might call 'hot piss.' HOWEVER I say that in an alternate reality where he swaps movie careers with say, Ryan Gosling, and we have no knowledge of his previous transgressions, he could conceivably be considered NOT a total hoser. So what do you think, dear reader(s)? Does Brad C. deserve the benefit of the doubt? Or is he rotten to his way over gelled core? Only YOU can decide.


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